Sonic Dreamer Studio is a subscribing member of the Music Producers Forum, and can be contacted at
Play list of music similar to what we would produce:
The studio is a private (non-commercial) home music studio based in Kempton Park in Johannesburg, South Africa. Small bands up to 4 people can be recorded in studio. It consists of a recording room and control room, which is isolated with a double brick wall, with an air cavity and double doors in order to prevent sound leakage. The studio window is also thick separated double pane glass.
Like most studios everything is digital and software driven.
Play list of music similar to what we would produce:
The studio is a private (non-commercial) home music studio based in Kempton Park in Johannesburg, South Africa. Small bands up to 4 people can be recorded in studio. It consists of a recording room and control room, which is isolated with a double brick wall, with an air cavity and double doors in order to prevent sound leakage. The studio window is also thick separated double pane glass.
Like most studios everything is digital and software driven.
Productions can include the following phases for bringing musical ideas to life:
- Writing lyrics
- Create a melody
- Composition & Arrangement (full band feel)
- Recording
- Mixing
- Mastering
- Album art
- Support with track release (submitting to services)
The studio has 3 individuals with the following primary roles:
- Producer / Recording Engineer
- Project Manager
- Graphics Designer